IELTS Score Calculator

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صيغة رياضية

صيغة رياضية: IELTS Score Calculator


IELTS Level: Good
Skill Score
Listening ٥٫٥
Reading ٨٫٥
Writing ٩٫٠
Speaking ٦٫٠

What is an IELTS Score Calculator?

An IELTS Score Calculator is a tool that computes your overall band score for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam by averaging your performance across four assessment sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The calculator follows the official IELTS scoring methodology, rounding the average to the nearest half-band to determine your final score on a scale from 0 to 9.

When to Use an IELTS Score Calculator

This calculator is particularly useful in the following situations:

  • Before receiving your official results to estimate your overall band score
  • When planning your study strategy to determine which skills need improvement to reach your target score
  • For educational institutions or immigration authorities to quickly assess if an applicant meets their minimum English proficiency requirements

How to Calculate Your IELTS Score

The IELTS scoring system follows these specific steps:

Step 1: Obtain individual band scores (0-9) for each of the four skills:

  • Listening score (0-9)
  • Reading score (0-9)
  • Writing score (0-9)
  • Speaking score (0-9)

Step 2: Calculate the average of the four scores

Overall Score = (Listening + Reading + Writing + Speaking) ÷ 4

Step 3: Round to the nearest half-band (0.5)

  • If the average decimal is less than 0.25, round down to the nearest whole band
  • If the average decimal is between 0.25 and 0.75, round to the nearest half-band (0.5)
  • If the average decimal is 0.75 or higher, round up to the nearest whole band

Converting Correct Answers to Band Scores

For the Listening and Reading sections, your raw score (number of correct answers) is converted to the IELTS 9-band scale.

IELTS Listening Score Conversion

Correct Answers Band Score
39-40 9.0
37-38 8.5
35-36 8.0
32-34 7.5
30-31 7.0
26-29 6.5
23-25 6.0
18-22 5.5
16-17 5.0
13-15 4.5
10-12 4.0
6-9 3.5
4-5 3.0
3 2.5
2 2.0
1 1.0
0 0

IELTS Academic Reading Score Conversion

Correct Answers Band Score
39-40 9.0
37-38 8.5
35-36 8.0
33-34 7.5
30-32 7.0
27-29 6.5
23-26 6.0
19-22 5.5
15-18 5.0
13-14 4.5
10-12 4.0
8-9 3.5
6-7 3.0
4-5 2.5
2-3 2.0
1 1.0
0 0

IELTS General Training Reading Score Conversion

Correct Answers Band Score
40 9.0
39 8.5
37-38 8.0
36 7.5
33-35 7.0
30-32 6.5
27-29 6.0
23-26 5.5
19-22 5.0
15-18 4.5
11-14 4.0
8-10 3.5
5-7 3.0
3-4 2.5
2 2.0
1 1.0
0 0

Note: Writing and Speaking scores are assessed by trained examiners using the IELTS assessment criteria and cannot be calculated from raw scores.

IELTS Band Score Interpretation

Band Score Skill Level Description
9 Expert Complete mastery of English
8.0 - 8.5 Very Good Fully operational command with only occasional inaccuracies
7.0 - 7.5 Good Operational command with occasional inaccuracies
6.0 - 6.5 Competent Generally effective command with some inaccuracies
5.0 - 5.5 Modest Partial command with many mistakes
4.0 - 4.5 Limited Basic competence limited to familiar situations
Below 4.0 Extremely Limited No real communication possible except the most basic information

Examples of IELTS Score Calculation

Example 1: Whole Number Rounding

A test-taker receives the following scores in their IELTS test:

Section Band Score
Listening 7.5
Reading 6.5
Writing 6.0
Speaking 7.0


Average = (7.5 + 6.5 + 6.0 + 7.0) ÷ 4 = 27 ÷ 4 = 6.75

Since 6.75 is greater than or equal to 6.75, we round up to the nearest whole band.

Overall Band Score: 7.0 (Good)

Example 2: Half-Band Rounding

Another test-taker achieves these scores:

Section Band Score
Listening 8.0
Reading 7.5
Writing 6.0
Speaking 7.0


Average = (8.0 + 7.5 + 6.0 + 7.0) ÷ 4 = 28.5 ÷ 4 = 7.125

Since 7.125 is between 6.75 and 7.25, we round to the nearest half-band.

Overall Band Score: 7.0 (Good)

Example 3: Converting Raw Scores to Band Scores

A test-taker receives the following raw scores:

Section Raw Score (Correct Answers) Converted Band Score
Listening (40 questions) 32 7.5
Academic Reading (40 questions) 28 6.5
Writing (assessed by examiner) - 6.0
Speaking (assessed by examiner) - 7.0


Average = (7.5 + 6.5 + 6.0 + 7.0) ÷ 4 = 27 ÷ 4 = 6.75

Since 6.75 is greater than or equal to 6.75, we round up to the nearest whole band.

Overall Band Score: 7.0 (Good)

Improving Your IELTS Score

If you need to improve your IELTS score, consider using these related tools:

Remember that consistent practice across all four skills is key to achieving your target IELTS band score.
