ACFT Score Calculator

गणना दर्ज करें

Enter the maximum weight lifted in pounds. Range: 0-340 lbs.
Enter the distance thrown in meters. Range: 0-12.5 meters, measured to the nearest 0.1 meter.
Enter the number of correct repetitions completed in 2 minutes. Range: 0-60 repetitions.
Enter the time taken to complete the event in minutes:seconds format (e.g., 2:30 for 2 minutes 30 seconds).
Enter the time held in the plank position in minutes:seconds format (e.g., 3:00 for 3 minutes).
Enter the time taken to complete the 2-mile run in minutes:seconds format (e.g., 18:00 for 18 minutes).


Total ACFT Score
Event Input Score
Deadlift 200 lbs 58.82
Standing Power Throw 8.5 meters 68
Hand Release Push-ups 30 repetitions 50
Sprint-Drag-Carry 2:30 90
Plank 3:00 100
2-Mile Run 18:00 75