Slugging Percentage Calculator
At Bats | 100 |
Singles | 20 |
Doubles | 10 |
Triples | 5 |
Home Runs | 5 |
Total Bases | 75 |
Slugging Percentage | 0.750 |
Hit Distribution
Total Bases Contribution
Understanding Slugging Percentage
Slugging Percentage (SLG) measures the total number of bases a player records per at-bat. It's calculated as:
SLG = (1B + 2 * 2B + 3 * 3B + 4 * HR) / AB
Where 1B = Singles, 2B = Doubles, 3B = Triples, HR = Home Runs, and AB = At Bats
Your calculated Slugging Percentage: 0.750
This means that, on average, you're getting 0.750 bases per at-bat.
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Ape Index Calculator
Calculate your Ape Index easily with height and arm span measurements. Discover if your arm span exceeds your height for potential advantages in climbing or other sports.
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순 득점률 계산기
득점, 직면한 오버, 실점, 투구한 오버로 순 득점률을 쉽게 계산하세요. 크리켓 토너먼트에서 팀 성과를 빠르게 판단합니다. 정확한 NRR 결과를 지금 확인하세요!