
  • ACFT Score Calculator
    Calculate your Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) score with our easy-to-use calculator. Input your performance for deadlift, standing power throw, hand-release push-ups, sprint-drag-carry, plank, and 2-mile run to get your total ACFT score instantly.
  • Bike Gear Ratio Calculator
    Calculate bike gear ratios easily. Find gear inches, development, and speed at 90 RPM. Essential tool for cyclists to optimize their bike's performance and gearing setup.
  • Decathlon Score Calculator
    Calculate your decathlon score with our easy-to-use Decathlon Score Calculator. Input performances for all 10 events and get instant results based on official IAAF scoring tables. Perfect for athletes, coaches, and track and field enthusiasts.
  • IAAF スコア計算機
    競技、性別、パフォーマンスに基づいて IAAF スコアを正確に計算します。アスリートやコーチのための包括的なツールで陸上競技の成績を評価しましょう。
  • Macro Calculator
    Macro Calculator - Calculate your daily macronutrient needs. Enter your age, gender, weight, height, activity level, and goals to get personalized recommendations for calories, protein, carbs, and fats.
  • ランニングペース計算機
  • Slugging Percentage Calculator
    Calculate a baseball player's slugging percentage with our easy-to-use online tool. Input at-bats, singles, doubles, triples, and home runs to instantly get the slugging percentage and visualize hit distribution.
  • 三振率計算機
  • Ape Index Calculator
    Calculate your Ape Index easily with height and arm span measurements. Discover if your arm span exceeds your height for potential advantages in climbing or other sports.
  • 歩幅計算機
  • ネットランレート計算機