접선 계산기
Function f(x) | f(x) = 1x^2 |
Coefficient (a) | 1 |
Exponent (n) | 2 |
Point x | 2 |
f(x) at point | 4 |
Slope of Tangent Line | 4 |
Y-Intercept of Tangent Line | -4 |
Equation of Tangent Line | y = 4x - 4 |
Function f(x)
Tangent Line
Point of Tangency
The tangent line touches the function curve at a single point P(x, f(x)). It represents the slope of the function at that specific point.
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Anthropic Claude Calculator
Calculate costs for Anthropic's Claude AI models. Estimate expenses for prompt and completion tokens across Claude 3 Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku versions. Visualize token distribution and get precise pricing.