REM 轉 PX 轉換器



REM to Pixels Conversion
1.5 rem = 24 px
Input REM Value 1.5
Root Font Size 16 px
Calculated Pixels 24 px

Common REM to Pixel Conversions

Based on your root font size of 16 px

REM Pixels
0.25 rem 4 px
0.5 rem 8 px
0.75 rem 12 px
0.875 rem 14 px
1 rem 16 px
1.125 rem 18 px
1.25 rem 20 px
1.5 rem 24 px
1.875 rem 30 px
2 rem 32 px
2.25 rem 36 px
2.5 rem 40 px
3 rem 48 px
4 rem 64 px
5 rem 80 px
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What is REM to PX Converter?

REM to PX converter is a tool that transforms relative em (REM) units into pixels (PX). In web development, REM is a relative unit that refers to the font size of the root element (typically the <html> element), while PX is an absolute unit. This converter helps developers maintain scalable and accessible designs while understanding the actual pixel values their REM units equate to.

When to Use REM to PX Converter

This converter is particularly useful in the following scenarios:

  • When designing responsive websites and you need to convert between relative and absolute units
  • When working with design systems that use REM units but you need pixel values for reference
  • When implementing designs from mockups that provide measurements in pixels, but you prefer coding with REM units

How to Calculate REM to PX

The conversion from REM to PX follows a simple formula:

PX = REM × Root Font Size


  • PX is the resulting pixel value
  • REM is the relative em value to convert
  • Root Font Size is the base font size of the html element (typically 16px by default in most browsers)

So given that the value of rem is relative on the root font-size. This means that if you assign 16px font-size on <html> on your css, like this one:

html { font-size: 16px; }

This means that 1rem = 16px.


Basic REM to PX Conversion

Convert 1.5rem to pixels with the default root font size of 16px.

REM Value Root Font Size Calculation Result
1.5rem 16px 1.5 × 16 24px

Converting Multiple REM Values

Convert 0.75rem, 2rem, and 3.5rem to pixels with a root font size of 16px.

REM Value Root Font Size Calculation Result
0.75rem 16px 0.75 × 16 12px
2rem 16px 2 × 16 32px
3.5rem 16px 3.5 × 16 56px

Custom Root Font Size

Convert 2.5rem to pixels with a custom root font size of 20px.

REM Value Root Font Size Calculation Result
2.5rem 20px 2.5 × 20 50px

Common REM to PX Conversion Table

Here's a reference table for common REM values converted to pixels (based on the default 16px root font size):

REM Value Pixel Value
0.25 rem 4 px
0.5 rem 8 px
0.75 rem 12 px
0.875 rem 14 px
1 rem 16 px
1.125 rem 18 px
1.25 rem 20 px
1.5 rem 24 px
1.875 rem 30 px
2 rem 32 px
2.25 rem 36 px
2.5 rem 40 px
3 rem 48 px
4 rem 64 px
5 rem 80 px

Related Calculators

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